Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Dear Ignorants,

America is not, nor has it ever been, a Christian nation. The very idea of this country basing itself on any one religion is so erroneously against the purpose of its founders' original intent that to call it unconstitutional should be a job left solely to Captain Obvious. That said, if you oppose the building of the Islamic community center and mosque in New York, you do so only on the grounds of personal dislike for another religion. There is no standard of patriotism grounding your arguments. Washington, Franklin and Hancock are not only on the other side of the debate from you but thanks to your falsely arguing in the name of nationalism, they're setting world records for the number of consecutive rollovers done in a grave.

That was (mostly) fact. This is opinion backed by fact:

Building an Islamic community center is more than appropriate. It's essential. Although many, including myself, have explained this before, it bears repeating that the extremist attacks on 9-11 are not representative of the majority of moslems in this world and especially not in America. For conservatives, especially Christians, to act as though other religions exist only for the purpose of war-mongering against their God and country is not only ignorant, it's hypocritical. Lest we forget, Christianity has a long, and I do mean loooong history of immoral, ungodly violence acted out in the name of God. See: The Crusades (1096-1270 a.d.), the Catholic church's conquering, I mean, converting of South America's natives. The list goes on but not here.

Despite its blood-muddled history, many still think of Christianity as the peaceful standard by which our government should make its every move. This causes Christians to act as though any other faith is not just a direct threat to their religion but to their country. John Locke called for the separation of church and state with good reason. It was to keep jingoists like Sarah Palin from associating their personal, unconstitutional beliefs and bigotries with the rest of this country. If you feel moslems should not enjoy the same freedoms you do, fine. That's your opinion. It's a terrible one but it's yours all the same. Running around screaming it at the top of your lungs while waving an American flag doesn't make it patriotic. Just idiotic.



Despite Eric Rothwell's implications to the contrary, Michael Moore did not write this blog entry. Also, yes, it is extremely opinionated and is not riddled with facts. It's based around one central fact and the rest is just me ranting sharing my thoughts and yes, feelings on the subject. Also, Kristin Frosco says I'm right.

1 comment:

  1. so true Ryan

    I'm kind of afraid to have a national religion - you know it won't be the same one I have even if it is protestant

    you might enjoy these two blog posts by my dad:
    * http://billball.blogspot.com/2010/06/our-skeptical-founding-fathers.html
    * http://billball.blogspot.com/2010/07/our-founding-fathers-2.html
